Herbicide Notice

PSD Facilities anticipate putting down an herbicide treatment across the district grounds the week of March 24-28, 2025, weather dependent.

Bus Route Information

If you have any questions, please call First Student, Inc. at 458-213-5222.

Inclement Weather

Bus Routes

Neighborhood:    Kindergarten – Grade 5



South Hill / SW Isaac Area Route 1, Bus 59 Route 1, Bus 59
SE Byers / SW Frazer / Washington Bus Stop Route 2, Bus 60 Route 2, Bus 60
Mytinger Ln / Mission Rd / Little Turtles / Alexander Ln Route 3, Bus 61 Route 3, Bus 61
Nixyaawii Old Gym Route 3, Bus 61 Route 14, Bus 148
Tutuilla Rd / Vista Village / Riverview Route 4, Bus 62 Route 4, Bus 62
Grecian Heights Route 4, Bus 62 Route 13, Bus 147
SW Goodwin & 28th Dr / Harris Jr Academy / Community Park / Shadeview Route 6, Bus 64 Route 6, Bus 64
Lincoln to Sherwood Route 7, Bus 65 Route 7, Bus 65
Reith Rd / SW Perkins / SW Ladow Route 8, Bus 66 Route 8, Bus 66
McKay Dam Area / Gateway / Jerico Ln Route 9, Bus 67 Route 9, Bus 67
SE Goodwin / SE 10th St Route 10, Bus 155 Route 10, Bus 155
Market Rd / Lloyd Rd / Patawa Rd / Tutuilla Church Rd Route 11, Bus 69 Route 11, Bus 69
Adams Baseball Field /  NW Carden Route 12, Bus 146 Route 12, Bus 146
Westgate Apartments to Washington Route 12, Bus 146 Route 12, Bus 146
Lincoln to Washington Route 12, Bus 146 Route 12, Bus 146
Spring Creek Rd / Best Rd / Rodeo Ln / Runnion Mailboxes Route 13, Bus 147 Route 13, Bus 147
Cayuse Rd / River Rd / Shortmile Rd / Cedar St Route 14, Bus 148 Route 14, Bus 148
SW Court between 4th & 5th / NW Gilliam / BMCC / Airport Area Route 15, Bus 149 Route 15, Bus 149
Westgate Apartments to Sherwood Route 15, Bus 149 Route 15, Bus 149
Phantom Cycles / Pillars Motel / Riverside Area Route 16, Bus 150 Route 16, Bus 150
OR-331 / Duff Rd / Kirkpatrick Rd Route 17, Bus 156 Route 17, Bus 156
Meacham / Poverty Flats / Hwy 30 Route 18, Bus 68 Route 18, Bus 68
PTECH Alt School / Pioneer Park Route 19, Bus 153 Route 19, Bus 153
Caldwell ln / Old Adams Rd Route 19, Bus 153 Route 32, Bus 152
May Park / SW Nye / KOA Route 31, Bus 157 Route 31, Bus 157
Wildhorse / Whirlwind Bus Stop / Lucky 7 / Nixyaawii Community School Route 32, Bus 152 Route 3, Bus 61

Neighborhood:    Grades 6-8



South Hill / SW Isaac Area Route 1, Bus 59 Route 1, Bus 59
Frazer Ave Route 2, Bus 60 Route 2, Bus 60
Mytinger Ln / Mission Rd / Little Turtles / Alexander Ln Route 3, Bus 61 Route 32, Bus 152
Nixyaawii Old Gym Route 3, Bus 61 Route 14, Bus 148
Tutuilla Rd / Vista Village / Riverview Route 4, Bus 62 Route 4, Bus 62
SW Goodwin & 28th Dr Route 6, Bus 64 Route 6, Bus 64
Reith Rd / SW Perkins / SW Ladow Route 8, Bus 66 Route 8, Bus 66
McKay Dam Area / Gateway / Jerico Ln Route 9, Bus 67 Route 9, Bus 67
SE Goodwin / SE 10th St Route 10, Bus 155 Route 10, Bus 155
Market Rd / Lloyd Rd / Patawa Rd / Tutuilla Church Rd Route 11, Bus 69 Route 11, Bus 69
Adams Baseball Field /  NW Carden Route 12, Bus 146 Route 12, Bus 146
Spring Creek Rd / Best Rd / Rodeo Ln / Harris Jr Academy / Community Park / Shadeview Route 13, Bus 147 Route 13, Bus 147
Cayuse Rd / River Rd / St Andrews Turnaround Route 14, Bus 148 Route 14, Bus 148
Shortmile Rd / Cedar St / Parr Ln Route 17, Bus 156 Route 17, Bus 156
SW Court between 4th & 5th / NW Gilliam / BMCC / Airport Area / Westgate Apartments Route 15, Bus 149 Route 15, Bus 149
Phantom Cycles / Riverside Area Route 16, Bus 150 Route 16, Bus 150
OR-331 / Duff Rd / Kirkpatrick Rd Route 17, Bus 156 Route 17, Bus 156
Meacham / Poverty Flats / Hwy 30 Route 18, Bus 68 Route 10, Bus 155
Washington Bus Stop Route 18, Bus 68 Route 32, Bus 152
PTECH Alt School / Pioneer Park / Caldwell Ln / Old Adams Rd Route 19, Bus 153 Route 19, Bus 153
May Park / SW Nye / KOA Route 31, Bus 157 Route 31, Bus 157
Wildhorse / Lucky 7 / Alexander Ln / Nixyaawii Community School Route 32, Bus 152 Route 32, Bus 152

Neighborhood:    Grades 9-12



South Hill / SW Isaac Area Route 7, Bus 65 Route 7, Bus 65
Frazer Ave / Washington Bus Stop Route 2, Bus 60 Route 2, Bus 60
Mytinger Ln / Mission Rd / Alexander Ln Route 3, Bus 61 Route 32, Bus 152
Nixyaawii Old Gym Route 3, Bus 61 Route 14, Bus 148
Tutuilla Rd / Vista Village / Riverview Route 4, Bus 62 Route 4, Bus 62
SW Goodwin & 28th Dr / Harris Jr Academy / Community Park / Shadeview Route 6, Bus 64 Route 6, Bus 64
Despain Gulch / Sherwood Elementary Route 7, Bus 65 Route 7, Bus 65
Reith Rd / SW Perkins / SW Ladow Route 8, Bus 66 Route 8, Bus 66
McKay Dam Area / Gateway / Jerico Ln Route 9, Bus 67 Route 9, Bus 67
SE Goodwin / SE 10th St Route 10, Bus 155 Route 31, Bus 157
Market Rd / Lloyd Rd / Patawa Rd / Tutuilla Church Rd Route 11, Bus 69 Route 11, Bus 69
Adams Baseball Field Route 12, Bus 146 Route 12, Bus 146
Spring Creek Rd / Best Rd / Rodeo Ln Route 13, Bus 147 Route 13, Bus 147
Tutuilla Rd @ SW 18th St Route 13, Bus 147 Route 4, Bus 62
Cayuse Rd / River Rd / St Andrews Turnaround Route 14, Bus 148 Route 14, Bus 148
Shortmile Rd / Cedar St / Parr Ln Route 17, Bus 156 Route 17, Bus 156
SW Court between 4th & 5th / NW Gilliam / BMCC / Airport Area / Westgate Apartments Route 15, Bus 149 Route 15, Bus 149
Phantom Cycles / Riverside Area Route 16, Bus 150 Route 16, Bus 150
OR-331 / Duff Rd / Kirkpatrick Rd Route 17, Bus 156 Route 17, Bus 156
Meacham / Poverty Flats / Hwy 30 Route 18, Bus 68 Route 10, Bus 155
Caldwell Ln / Old Adams Rd / 712 OR-11 Route 19, Bus 153 Route 19, Bus 153
May Park / SW Nye / KOA Route 31, Bus 157 Route 31, Bus 157
Wildhorse / Lucky 7 / Alexander Ln / Nixyaawii Community School Route 32, Bus 152 Route 32, Bus 152