Pendleton’s VFW Let ‘er Buck Post 922 was pleased to present its Teacher of the Year Award on May 25th to Holly Krokosz, second grade teacher at Washington Elementary. This award was for 2019-20, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the VFW was unable to present her award in spring 2020. Krokosz was recognized for her work teaching American flag etiquette to students and being an outstanding educator.
According to Aimee VanNice, principal at Washington, she and the VFW representatives were able to bring the second grade team together outside to honor Krokosz on May 25.
The annual award is presented to a teacher who inspires their students in community awareness and service, good citizenship and support of veterans, said Judith Burger, post commander of 922. Burger presented the award along with John Cook of the Pendleton post.
Krokosz said it was such an honor to receive the Teacher of the Year Award. “Thank you to the VFW for honoring and recognizing educators and first responders. I also want to acknowledge the strong team of educators I work with who help me be the best that I can be!” she said.
The U.S. Flag etiquette lesson that Krokosz taught last year was part of the American Symbols lesson in social studies. Krokosz explained the lesson in her own words:
“I brought in about 10 flags and a plate of chocolate chip cookies and explained how the flag was an important symbol and should be treated as such. I then went on to talk about how if we were carrying a plate of cookies and it accidentally dropped to the floor, others around us wouldn’t get too mad at us, once they realized it was an accident, and they may even help us pick them all up. We would check that they were all ok, and then go on about our day. Just like the flag, if it accidently touches the ground, we pick it up, check to see if it is ok. But, if we purposefully drop the cookies on the ground and stomp them into crumbs, there would be many people who would be very angry at us — just like the cookies, we need to take care of our flag. I then taught them how to properly fold the flag, and they worked with a partner and practiced. They were very proud of themselves when they did it correctly and it was folded into the triangle. We then celebrated by eating the cookies!”