There probably isn’t anything cuter than a group of kindergartners in handmade turkey hats, so when hundreds of students gathered at the Pendleton Early Learning Center on Friday, November 18th, it was even cuter! All of PELC’s students gathered in the Commons for the school’s Friendsgiving.
The students sang a turkey song and recited a poem together before sitting down. The festive tables were set with colorful placemats, and the students could sit anywhere they liked. They were served pumpkin pudding, apple sauce, Nilla wafers, and chocolate milk.
Principal Angela Lattin was impressed with how the students listened and followed directions during Friendsgiving. “This is why we have events like this – besides being fun, they help students use their listening skills, manners, and other important life skills,” Lattin said.
The event was a success judging from the smiles under those turkey hats.
PELC staff would like to thank the Sunridge Middle School Leadership students for helping with Friendsgiving.