Sunridge Middle School – 5th Grade Night
On Tuesday evening, May 21, 2024, Sunridge Middle School staff was on a mission to get fifth grade students and their families excited about middle school! The school hosted the 5th Grade Night to introduce fifth grade students from the district’s three elementary schools to Sunridge, where they will attend sixth grade in the 24-25 school year.
The event got off to a great start, with families enjoying hamburgers served by SMS Leadership students. Then, Principal Piper Kelm introduced all of the sixth-grade teachers and went through a short slideshow to discuss what sixth grade is like. She reiterated that some things are the same in middle school, like math, language arts, and science, but some things are different because students go to separate classrooms for each one. Other points Kelm made were the school’s No Cell Phone Use policy for students during the school day and three-minute passing times to get to your next class.
Principal Kelm also mentioned that sports are available, more food choices at lunch, the importance of regular attendance, and the social-emotional learning and supports that Sunridge Middle School has in place for students.
A couple of students from SMS Leadership talked about fun school spirit/dress-up days, Friday reward activities, and student Activity Nights that occur throughout the year. “You will want to get involved in these activities here!” they said.
After the presentation, fifth graders and their parents toured the sixth-grade hallway and classrooms, met teachers, and asked questions.
Principal Kelm said that 5th Grade Night is always a positive time to showcase SMS and connect with fifth grade students and parents. “We want them to feel comfortable when they arrive at Sunridge in August, and introducing them to our building and teachers now helps in that process,” Kelm said.
Currently, the Pendleton School District has 238 incoming fifth graders to the middle school in the fall.