Teachers New to Pendleton School District – Sherry Hubbard
Sherry Hubbard, Special Education Teacher, Pendleton HS
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that rthornburg contributed 494 entries already.
Sherry Hubbard, Special Education Teacher, Pendleton HS
Tiffanee Lewis, Kindergarten, Pendleton Early Learning Center
Danika McIntosh, Grade 1, Washington Elementary
In April, I wrote to state leaders expressing a number of concerns regarding an extended closure of K-12 schools.
Although there is an ongoing police investigation, you should know that the Pendleton Police Department has identified and interviewed a suspect in the hacking events that occurred yesterday throughout the District.
As a follow up to yesterday’s incidents involving what appears to be “hacking” into our student Google classroom and email accounts, we continue to work with our IT staff.
No School October 9, 2020
I want to make you aware of a couple of changes to the student’s daily schedule that will take effect on Monday, October 5th.
While Comprehensive Distance Learning is in effect, there are exceptions for a limited number of students to be in buildings.
Beginning Monday, September 28, 2020, the Grab & Go meals from the food truck at the CTUIR Rec Center will be from 11:00 – 12:45 pm.
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
The Pendleton School District assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or income as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Pendleton School District sponsored program or activity.
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